Are You Fulfilling The Great Commission?

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]Jesus, in Mark 16:15-18 gave some powerful last minute instructions to you, the church saying, "Go (you) into all the world and preach the good news (the gospel) to all creation. Whoever believes (has faith) and is baptized will be saved, but those that do not believe (lack faith) will remain condemned. And these signs (supernatural manifestations, miracles, signs and wonders) will accompany (follow) those who believe." Who? (Those that believe in Jesus! Those that have faith! Believers! YOU!)What are these signs?In My name: They (you) will drive out demons.In My name: They (you) will speak in new tongues.In My name: No deadly thing will hurt them (you) at all.In My name: They (you) will place their (your) hands on sick people, and they (the sick) will get well.Matthew adds to this with a few more details in Matthew 28:19-20 quoting Jesus saying, "Go YOU therefore, and teach all nations (all creation), baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. YOU go teach them to observe (keep and continue to do) everything that I have commanded (instructed, empowered, given) YOU (to do): and, know that, I am (right there) with YOU (and them) always, even unto the end of the world. Amen."Later, Paul writing to the church in Rome, in Romans 10:14-15 asks, "How then shall they (all creation) call on him (Jesus) in whom they have not believed? How shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? How shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they (the preachers) preach, except they are sent (by YOU)?"It is written, "How beautiful (timely) are the feet (foot-falls) of them that preach (bring, declare and demonstrate) the gospel (good news) of peace (wholeness, nothing missing, nothing broken), and bring (preach, declare and demonstrate) glad tidings (gospel, good news) of good things!" Just at the right time, when people need to hear the Word of God, they hear the footsteps of one sent to teach them.We are told exactly what to do. But how do we do it? How can we as members of the body of Christ, with jobs and families "Go" and take this most precious gospel message and effectively communicate it to the world, which needs it so desperately?I am letting you know that we here at TGM (Tim Greenwood Ministries) are ready, willing and able to take this good news to this world through every means and media that makes itself available to us! And we are making disciples everywhere we go and beyond.This has been our most fruitful year in 8 years of ministry so far. Yet we know that we have barely scratched the surface of what God has called us to do. Our God given vision is to save the lost, equip the saved, edify (build up) the equipped, deliver the oppressed, teach faith and agape' love, provide ongoing instruction for the renewal of the mind, training for leadership and healing for the sick. In short, to diminish the darkness of this world by lifting up the marvelous light of Jesus Christ! Not only is that a mouth full, but also it is far more (in the natural) than Marcia and I can do alone. But then we are not supposed to be doing it alone.You, as part of the body of Christ, have been instructed by Jesus Himself (through Mark, Matthew and Paul) to either "Go" yourself and preach the gospel or SEND preachers like us to do it.If you were going, you would have to provide for transportation (air fare, rental car), food, housing (hotel), etc. (What would it cost you to just go to another state for one day? How much for a week?) We have these same expenses every week, plus we have to keep the ministry running while we are gone! Therefore, we are depending on God to move YOU a believer in the body of Christ to SEND (make financial provision to send) us, Tim Greenwood Ministries, Tim and Marcia to effectively preach the gospel as Jesus instructed to all creation (the nations, the whole world)!We are dedicated; desirous and driven to not only fulfill that Great Commission but to effectively do so through the vision that God has given for Tim Greenwood Ministries. We are simply asking you, at this year-end of 2006 to pray about joining hands with us by becoming a partner in 2007. We understand that God provides different people to partner with different ministries - so we ask you to ask God where He wants to place you.We have the vision and now believe by faith that God, through YOU as a believer will make provision for that vision. We believe that YOU as a believer are vital to the success of every thing we accomplish for our Lord. Not only that, but the Word says that if you send us, then you will receive the same reward that we receive from God for taking the gospel to the world! At Tim Greenwood Ministries, our pledge to you is that we will do our very best to be good stewards of the valuable resources you entrust to us (1 Timothy 6:20.)In addition to financial provision, God said that He would provide physical, technical and creative help for this ministry. So, we would like to hear from you spirit filled believers, especially those in the Los Angeles/Arcadia area. Please write or email us briefly stating how you might be of help to Tim Greenwood Ministries. Make sure to include your name, address, phone and email address so that we can get back to you.  Please understand that this is not a job offer.  At this time we are only seeking volunteers.We are ready to press ahead and we are simply asking you press ahead with us. We are so thankful for those individuals and churches that already partner with TGM. It is because of your faithful prayers and financial partnership this ministry has accomplished all that it has thus far and we give thanks to God for you![/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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