Healing Scriptures
The following are healing scriptures which I have personalized for you. As you read them, I encourage you to use the player below to listen to the audio as you read them out loud – so that your body HEARS them through your own ears, so as to proclaim your stand to the devil and so as to continually reassure God that YOU are indeed still in contract, that you are still in agreement and that you are still in relationship with HIM concerning those scriptures.
1 Peter 2:24
Jesus you bodily carried my sins and my breaches, upon those timbers, that I, being as good as dead due to those sins and breaches, now its recorded in the Bible that I’m innocent and that I now have a good reputation. It was by Your stripes, welts and and torn flesh all over your body that I was healed and made whole.
You ought to praise and thank Him for it – right now!
Psalms 118:17
I shall not die, but live, I’ll recover and I’ll be restored, but also I’ll declare and celebrate the good word, good works and everything that the LORD has done.
Luke 10:19
You’ve given me a delegated superhuman power, strength, jurisdiction and competency to crush snakes and scorpions, (of course we know that this is talking about demonic beings that come against us), and that that power, strength, jurisdiction and competency superseds all the power and the pressures of the devil: and nothing shall by any means will hurt me.
John 10:10
The thief only comes around for three reasons, (1, 2, 3):
1. To steal like some kind of a kleptomaniac.
2. To kill you as if you were a human sacrifice, and
3. To completely completely destroy everything that you’ve done and accomplished during your life.
But, Jesus, You came that I might have and enjoy life, and that I might have that life superabundantly and way beyond measure.
Glory to God!
Hebrews 10:23
I hold fast my to my commitment to every good faith contract, without any wavering; Why? Because You faithfully, keep all your good faith promises, God.
God has NEVER failed to keep a promise, He’s NEVER reneged on an agreement or backed out of a contract. And He ALWAYS says what He means, means what He says and fulfills everything that He says that He will do.
Joel 3:10
says: Even when I’m feeling weak, I don’t speak the weakness. No, I speak the solution to weakness and say, “I am strong.”
Go ahead, say it right now!
1 John 5:14-15
This is the kind of good faith that I have in You, Lord: That, if I ask you for anything that you have already offered me in good faith through the Bible, then I already know that You’ll hear me every time.
And because I already know that You’ll hear me, then I already know that whatsoever I ask or petition concerning those offers, actually already belong to me.
If He’s offered you what you were going to ask for, then you already know it is as good as yours before you even ask!
2 Timothy 1:7
LORD, You didn’t give me any spirit of fear; but you did give me a spirit of power, a spirit of love, and a spirit of a sound mind.
And therefore, that is what I have- and NOT any spirit of fear!
Rev 12:11
Say this out loud, “I can overcome and whip any devil!” How? By the blood of the Lamb, and by the words of my testimonies;
Share your testimonies and call upon the blood of Jesus.
Exodus 15:26
You said, LORD God, that whenever I hear of one of Your good faith offers, and learn to commit to it, (figuratively signing on the dotted line), and if i would diligently fulfill my part of that contract, You will not allow any of those diseases upon me, like those that came upon the Egyptians: for You Lord, You’re the LORD that heals me.
Thank you Dr. Jesus!
Exodus 23:25
It will serve me well to always thank the LORD my God, for my food, and drink; for it is He that removes any food or water born illness from it.
See, when you pray or ask the blessing over your meal, that’s what He’s talking about. Believe by faith that the Lord has purified you’re eating and drinking.
Exodus 23:26
Because YOU are our Lord, no Christian must suffer an abortion, miscarry or be barren but rather, will carry to full term.
Psalm 103:1-5
I love You LORD, with my whole mind, my will and my emotions, I’ll never forget any of Your benefits: for You have forgiven all my sins and breaches and You have healed every disease that has come upon me; You redeemed my life from destruction; You have honored me with such loving kindness and tender mercy; You continually satisfy my mouth with every good thing and You renew my youth like the eagle’s.
Psalms 107:19-20
Every single time that I have been in trouble or been in distress and have called upon You LORD, You have saved me every single time. Each time, You gave Your word, and then You’ve followed through by healing me, and delivering me and saving me from certain destruction.
Thank You LORD Jesus!
Proverbs 4:20-23
I understand exactly what is required of me, for I have read your good faith offer, I have committed to it as a contract and I have acted upon it. I make sure to read it over and over to keep Your good faith promise here in my heart. And because I know that Your good Word is equivalent to continued life and good health to my body, I diligently keep Your good faith promise in my heart. For from Your Word, proceeds all the issues of both life and death.
Isaiah 53:4-5
Lord, You are bearing of all my griefs, and You are carring all of my sorrows: In the past I might have thought that you had been punished by God for Your own transgressions. But I was wrong in ever thinking that because: You were wounded for all MY transgressions, You were bruised for all MY iniquities: The chastisement that purchased MY peace was fully upon YOU; and it was by YOUR stripes that I am HEALED.
Jeremiah 1:11-12
The Word of the LORD said: Jeremiah, what do you see there? I see the first leafy budding twigs on the earliest blooming fruit bearing trees, much earlier than normal. Then the LORD said, Well, you’ve seen correctly: for I will in like manner speed up the fulfillment of my good faith promise to perform it.
Nahum 1:9
You will put an end to this affliction and it shall not arise again the second time.
When something comes upon you and and you receive your healing or deliverance – and then it tries to come back – (There is a devil in this world that believes that you and everything you own, belongs to him, so he will try to come back.) – But when he does, you must stand against him with authority, because this scripture says that he can’t come back and put it on you again.
Jeremiah 30:17
LORD, I KNOW that You will restore my health to me, and You will heal me of any wounds, because this is what You said.
Matthew 8:17
That the prophecy spoken by Isaiah the prophet (in Chapter 53:4-5), might be fulfilled, You took away all my infirmities, and carried away all my sicknesses.
Matthew 15:30-31
And great multitudes came to You, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others, and they cast them down at Your feet; and You healed them all: Insomuch that the multitude wondered, when they saw the dumb to speak, the maimed to be whole, the lame to walk, and the blind to see: and they glorified the God of Israel.
Now we know that the lame were crippled, that the blind could not see, that the dumb could not speak, but do you understand what the maimed were? People with missing arms, hands, feet and legs! Jesus HEALED them and their limbs grew back! Praise Jesus!
Matthew 18:18-20
Jesus, You told me, that whatsoever I contractually bind on earth will be contractually bound in heaven: and whatsoever I contractually loose on earth will be contractually loosed in heaven. And as a result, that if any two or more Christians contractually agree on earth concerning anything that we require, our Father which is in heaven will see to it that the contract will be fulfilled by us.
In other words whenever we as Christians enter into any agreement, promise, contract, covenant or any other type of contractual relationship, It’s not just the two parties contracting, but rather at least three, because Father God makes Himself part of that contract.
And according to verse 20, Jesus is right in the middle of that contract too, so that makes it at least four, because if we call ourselves Christians, we are representing Jesus in all that we do and thereby place His good name at risk should we fail to fulfill that contract.
Mark 11:23-24
Jesus, You told me, that if I say to any mountainous thing that lifts it self up to block my path and intemidate me, “Get out of my way, and be slam dunked into the deepest part of the sea”; and that if I don’t doubt in my heart, but only believe in good faith that what I said will come to pass; I will have whatever I said.
Then You told me, that in the same way, whatever I desire, when I pray, if I believe in good faith that I receive them, then I will have them.
Note: This works especially well if what you are asking is for something that God has already offered you in the pages of the Bible.
Lord, operating in the God given, good faith, power of attorney, I verbally command:
(fill in with whatever has risen up to block your path or intimidate you)
I bind you in the Name of Jesus and order you to be picked up and be slam dunked into deepest ocean where you shall remain and never return!
Lord, because of your power of attorney and my contractual relationship with you, I believe without a doubt in my heart and mind, that what I said will be done.
Mark 16:17-18
And these signs shall follow me because I believe, in good faith, that Your Power of Attorney is good; In Your name I cast out devils; In Your name I speak with new tongues; In Your name if I’m ever bitten by snakes or ingest any deadly thing, it shall not hurt me; In Your name I lay hands on the sick, and the sick begin to get better and must recover.
Luke 9:2
It was Jesus that sent, empowered and authorized me to preach the Kingdom of God, and to heal the sick.
I’ve be authorized! You’ve been authorized! You’ve been deputized!
Galatians 3:13-14
Our anointed King is the One Who has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having been made a curse for us: (for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangs on a tree): so that the fruit of Abraham’s contract might come to us through King Jesus; so that I have the right to receive the good faith promise of the Holy Spirit.
James 4:7
I submit myself to God. And I resist every devil, and therefore, they flee from me.
James 5:14-15
Is any sick among you? Request that the senior members of the assembly petition on his behalf, anointing him with olive oil in the name of Jesus: And the petition made in good faith will save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he has committed any sins or breaches, they too shall be forgiven him.
Luke 13:16
And doesn’t this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan hath bound, the past eighteen years, have the right to be loosed from this bondage, even on the sabbath day?
Acts 5:16
There came multitudesfrom all the cities around Jerusalem, bringing sick folks, and them which were vexed with unclean spirits: and and Jesus, (guess what), He healed every one of them.
Acts 10:38
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.
Guess what? God has anointed me with the Holy Ghost and with power: I therefore go also around doing good, and healing all that are oppressed of the devil; for God is with me too. And you too!