God Sees You As His Completed Child

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]God sees your life completed and finished, not where you are today!  God says that He knows the end from the beginning.How do you see yourself?  Do you look at what you have or have not accomplished up to this time in your life?  Or are you looking ahead to the future - to the END OF YOUR RACE.  Each of us needs to look ahead, we need to anticipate what lies ahead and go for that, we cannot allow ourselves to limit ourselves to what we did yesterday.Psalm 139:16 says, that ALL the days ordained for me were written in your book BEFORE one of them came to be. God saw the finished work in you BEFORE you were even born.  IMAGINE THAT! I want to tell you that those thoughts going through your mind right now are straight from the devil.  He is the father of all lies!  God Almighty is your Father and He will not lie to you.Take a stand, push those doubting thoughts from your mind and begin to see yourself and live as God sees you.  Once you understand and believe (by faith) what God says about you then you will begin confessing what God says, you will begin to walk in all your rights and privileges given to you through Jesus Christ.Don't focus on how you act today or your spiritual knowledge, look to what you can be!God says that He calls the things that are not as though they were!Get into the Bible and see what God says you are and begin confessing that over your life!Those of you who are in a rut, those of you who are in despair then look up - look up to the God who created you and formed you in His image.  God says that He calls the things that are not as though they were (Rom. 4:17) YOU HAVE TO DO THE SAME THING!SOME OF YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD YOU WERE A MISTAKE, AN ACCIDENT!   WELL I'M HERE TO TELL YOU THAT GOD DOES NOTHING BY ACCIDENT - HE PLANNED YOU - AND HE HAS A PLAN FOR YOUR LIFE!You have an inheritance that is above all other inheritances combined, freely given to you to enjoy life right here on earth!  What a precious Father - what a precious gift! NOW you may not be receiving these gifts, because you don't know what they are and know that they belong to you.  Read your Bible - it is Jesus' last will and testament - it went into effect when Jesus died. And YOU are an heir!Is God calling you to do something you haven't done before?  Is He telling you to go places you haven't gone before? God knows the path He has for you - He knows your future.  Just follow His lead with confidence - He will teach and train you along the way.Peter, on his own may have stopped and ran back to the life of being a fisherman, after he denied Jesus 3 times.  Peter knew that Jesus saw him, the denial was not a secret, and Jesus even told him that it would happen.  But Jesus also told Peter he was a ROCK!Don't let things that are happening in your life hold you back - reach forward.  God tells you that He will get you through the valleys of your life.  Keep climbing up and out!When Ruth's husband died did she think "well I guess I'll go back to my hometown and see what's for me there?"  No, she told her mother in law Naomi that she would go where she went and stay with her.  Later on God formed a relationship with Ruth and Boaz so they married.  Ruth became the mother of Obed who was the father of Jesse who was the Father of King David.   God had a plan - a great future for Ruth.When trials are coming at you - do you look at what you see - or do you cling to God's promises and proclaim them in your life?Do you sit down in the middle of your valleys or do you look up and praise God for getting you through - BEFORE YOU SEE THE END RESULT?Now there will be times in your life when you really hit the valleys because of something you did yourself.  This happened to Abraham, this happened to David.  How do you see yourself then?  Do you cling to God or do you allow Satan take you away from God, by getting into despair, doubt, pity and sorrow?David committed adultery; he even planned a plot that killed Bathsheba's husband, but David ran to God, he repented from his heart and he changed.  God called David "A MAN AFTER MY OWN HEART."  WOW! Could you or I be a man or woman after God's own heart?  Very definitely YES!God knows everything about you - your past - your present - your future, even the things YOU think are secrets, yet He absolutely loves you! You have God's own armor to wear.  You proudly show the helmet of salvation. You are laced with the shoes of proclaiming the gospel to others.  You have on the belt of truth (God's written word).  You received the breastplate of righteousness, in exchange for your sins.  You have the sword of the spirit (the spoken word of God, and the shield of faith (which quenches all the fiery darts of the devil) which is praise.  God said that His weapons are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down of strongholds!You have ministering angels to help you.  You are a child of God - you are in the best of the best of all families and Satan and all his demons know it!So I admonish you - to look forward - look up - see your life completed, don't stop and rest where you are.  God has so much more for you, walk in His plan, and you will fulfill His great commission for your life.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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