God So Loved The World


[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]We have all heard that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son for us. This wonderful truth is JUST THE BEGINNING, God's love for you is never ending.  You can't do one single thing to earn it.  God gives it freely.  Think of it, FREELY, what a nice word. Every time you mess up and sin, you do not have to start from rock bottom and climb your way back up to God's love, as Satan would like you to believe.  No!  God gives His love freely.  When you sin, then you repent and ask God to forgive you, He will, immediately!  God NEVER changes, but you do. When God says that He will do something, He will! You listen to the thoughts that Satan puts in your mind to deceive and destroy you.  Satan will try to tell you that you will never measure up, that your not good enough. That is Satan's goal.  He pursues his goal with a vengeance. When Jesus died on the cross for you and me, He said "IT IS FINISHED."  He finished what He came to earth for.  He came to destroy the works of the devil, and He did it! Besides being saved by Jesus grace, you have been healed by the stripes of Jesus, you have been delivered from all yokes and burdens you have. You have been given the authority to use Jesus name, and to trample on ALL the powers of darkness. This is good news! Satan can't win  I repeat, he CAN NOT Win!  BUT he will surely try to make you think he can. And satan will succeed to keep you in bondage, UNLESS you know what Jesus has given you in His will. When you believe and act in faith that you have been healed by the stripes of Jesus, when you take boldness and claim the promises of Jesus concerning healing, THEN AND ONLY THEN, are you taking a stand against Satan. When you put on the Armor of God in Ephesians 6:10-16 and do ALL that you can do, and STAND against Satan, then satan will see Jesus in the armor and not you. Satan will try anyway he can to deceive you. He will try anyway he can to get you to fear and not believe you have been healed, especially if you are not healed immediately.  But, you already have the victory, Jesus has already WON the battle. All you have to do is stand on the promises of God.  God's promises are sure and can't fail. This goes for any area that you are being attacked in.  Your family, your marriage, your health, your finances, your job.  Find all the promises of God in the Bible and claim them, they are rightfully yours.  They have been given to you in love by Jesus Christ.  Then stand confidently, knowing that you will receive the answer to your prayers, knowing that you WILL receive the manifestation of your healing, or answer to your prayers. In I John 5:14- God says:  This is the CONFIDENCE that we have in God when we ask anything according TO HIS WILL.  If you do not know the promises of God (His will) then how can you ask in CONFIDENCE?  Think about this, this is so powerful!Do not, for one moment longer, let Satan steal your God given rights from you. In Mark 11:24 God says:  When you pray, do not DOUBT in your heart, but BELIEVE that you have RECEIVED what you asked for. You can do this when you pray in faith.  And we all have been given a measure of faith from God.  You just have to learn how to use your faith. Faith comes from hearing and hearing comes from the word of God.  Keep reading God's word, OUT LOUD.  God's word will then go from your mind into your heart and you will begin acting on His promises in faith. God loves you so much.  He says that you can not understand how HIGH, how WIDE, how DEEP, how LONG the love of God is for you.  Your mind just can not understand how wonderful God's love is.  Compared to the highest human love, God's love is so much more. You do not have to measure up to any standards, NOT ANYBODY'S, not your parents, not your friends, not your churches, not even yours. You only have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior as Romans 10:9 says:  that with your mouth you confess (say) and with your heart you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and that He was resurrected by God from the grave, to be saved. That's how much God loves you.  You do not have to change your life completely first. At that point you are Born Again.  You will not change physically, only in your spirit.  Jesus will then come into your life.  God loves you so much, that when you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then He says you can ask anything of Him in Jesus Name and He will give it to you.  This will need to be in line with God's word.  But when you read the Bible, with the Holy Spirit guiding you, then your mind will be open to understand what God's will for you is. You can ask for the Holy Spirit also. God says in Luke 11:13:  If you, being evil, (all humans)  know how to give good gifts to your children, then how much more will I give the Holy Spirit to them that ask. God loves you so much. And when Jesus was resurrected into heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, God sent his Holy Spirit to teach us. God didn't want us to be left alone. The Holy Spirit will comfort you, teach you and exhort you.  God's word becomes alive to you when you have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit begins showing you things in the Bible you have not understood before.  You will have boldness, holy boldness to take hold of the promises of God and act on them. God loves you so much that he has made you righteous through Jesus Christ.  God accepts you the way you are.  Yes, you are to continue to grow and overcome and be more like Jesus, but we all still sin.  Romans 3:23 says:  All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. DO YOU SEE YOUR NAME ALONE IN THAT?  NO..........ALL HAVE SINNED!You have right standing with God, because He loves you so much.  He knows your faults, your shortcomings, your thoughts.  He also knows your heart!  What's in your heart pleases him.  Coming to Him and just talking to Him (prayer) pleases Him.  Just saying your sorry for what you have done pleases Him. You are not forgotten, or unloved by Him when you sin.  He loved you WHILE you were sinning!  Can you understand that.  That's how much He loves you. In I Pet. 5:7:  God tells you to give all your cares to Him, not some of them, ALL of them.  He will take care of you.  That's how much He loves you. God  will give you peace of mind, just for the asking.  That's how much He loves you. God want's you happy WHILE you are on earth, not only when you get to heaven and are with Him. Man  has dominion over the earth, you have the victory, when you know how much God loves you, when you understand and believe His promises and stand on them.  YOU HAVE THE VICTORYGOD SO LOVED THE WORLD THAT HE GAVE HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, THAT WHOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM, WILL HAVE ETERNAL LIFE.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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