Healed From Bone Cancer

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]Dear Reader,I would like to share with you what happened after Tim Greenwood and his beautiful wife, Marcia, came to my church and shared his powerful healing testimony, prayed for everyone and offered his book, "Walking in Faith," to all of us, free of charge.After having been diagnosed with a type of tumor, the doctors sent me for all kinds of tests including cat scans, x-rays, and a nuclear bone scan, which indicated some bad news. "Bone cancer," my doctor sadly said.Well, one morning while at home sitting in my living room waiting to go in for yet another bone scan, I started reading Tim's healing book, "Walking in Faith," and suddenly, the presence of the Holy Spirit come upon me so powerfully, that all I could do was just weep uncontrollably. And then, all of a sudden, I knew that I had just received my complete healing. And I said so out loud.Sure enough, when the test results came back, my doctor excitedly gave me the wonderful news, "No cancer!" he said. Praise God!I give God all the Praise, the Honor and the Glory for His unending love and mercy, which He has provided through His precious son Jesus, who paid the ultimate price for my healing, deliverance, and salvation. I also truly thank God for you Brother Tim, and for your faithful commitment to God and for the awesome anointing with which He has blessed you.May the Good Lord continue to anoint you in greater and greater ways for His Honor and Glory and may He bless you and your loved ones, above and beyond anything you can imagine.Your Sister in Christ,Rose[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


Mark 11:22-24 And Good Faith


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