Healed of Paralysis

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Healed of Paralysis

Dear Tim and Friend,

I just want to let you and everybody else know how Tim Greenwood's book "Walking in Faith" and the Bible scriptures it led me to, have helped me receive my healing from being paralyzed.  

On September 8, 2001 I was involved in a serious automobile accident in which, another motorist in a large SUV ran a red light and plowed into the drivers side door of my small Oldsmobile Firenza. 

While I was still comatose, my family was told I would most likely die from my injuries, but that if I did live, I would certainly be a vegetable on a respirator the rest of my life. The extent of my injury had severely damaged my T5 and T6 vertebrae and massive stretching and bruising of the spinal cord.  I was classified as a T5/T6 Complete Paraplegic from the mid chest down and had to have two rods and pins surgically implanted onto my spine - the length of my rib cage - to hold me together. After a month I awoke from the coma, and was informed what had happened and that even after the spinal surgery I was now and would always be a complete paraplegic - paralyzed from the chest down.  And the doctors said there was nothing more they could do for me.

After laying in bed for one and a half months, I started to do physical therapy. But then I had to stop again for four more weeks and lay on my side so that bed sores could heal. I was already in a deep depression about never walking again and this just seemed to add insult to injury.  I went into an emotional tailspin and soon I reached the very bottom.

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I don't know who ordered it, but around December 15, I received Tim Greenwood's book "Walking in Faith."  I want you to know that this book has helped me to find the FAITH I needed to receive my healing. And I believe it has changed my life for the good - forever. That 20-page book is so deep and intense.  I read it over and over to really grasp what it was saying!  In two weeks I literally memorized it and it was just what I needed.  I began to apply the Word of God as the book taught me and started to pray and pray hard. Praying - using the Shield of Faith is the most rewarding prayer I have ever prayed.

There are many great scriptures in the book but my favorite and the most convicting one (for me) is James 2:17.  "… Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead."  Knowing that - I work harder than ever developing and strengthening my faith as well as diligently working at my therapy.

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I had always been a Christian but never was one to be rich with faith, in fact I was very blind.  The book "Walking in Faith" taught me to BELIEVE.  That was something that I could never do before - to me - seeing was believing - but not anymore.  Ten days after I read the book and began to truely believe that I would walk again, I received my first bit of movement being able to move my left leg side to side 8-10 inches but the doctors (of course) said that it meant nothing.

That story repeated itself over and over for about 11 months - No Kidding!!!  I would get a little more movement and the doctors would say that I would never walk again.  I told them that I BELIEVED  I would walk again and that I BELIEVED in miracles.  During that 11 months I prayed the "Shield of Faith" every night over and over - praising and thanking God for my healing, restoration and letting me walk again. Now during this whole time - in the natural, all I could do was lay in bed and suffer through terrible neurological burning sensations, like laying on hot concrete. But even so, I just layed there and continued to PRAISE GOD.  

Well to make a very long story short:  I got off of the respirator and can breathe on my own just fine! 

[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="1_4"][et_pb_image _builder_version="3.11" src="https://tgm.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/MarkStever3.gif" /][/et_pb_column][et_pb_column type="3_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]AND - I am starting to WALK again!  At first with leg braces, but now just with a walker!  I was excited when I walked 120 feet but then I tired out and had to quit. Over and over I could get 120 feet but no further. It seemed as if I was stuck there at another limitation.  Then one day when I got to 120 feet, I began to sing praises to the Lord and I was able to walk another 120 feet - then 575 feet - and I just got through walking 1750 feet!  And I'm getting stronger every day.When the doctors said, "There is nothing more we can do," that just means that no man can take the credit for my healing!  This way, God can step in and do even bigger things and we can give GOD ALL THE GLORY!This is a powerful testimony to the glory of God and the greatest testimony I have ever been able to share! PRAISE GOD!!!  And this is a continuing testimony, because I have complete FAITH that I WILL BE FULLY RESTORED and receive my complete healing.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]

Many people lose all hope if they are not instantly healed, but that is not the only way to receive healing.  So far I have been receiving my healing incrementally, similar to how the author of the book received his healing from heart disease.  If any of you reading this are sick or injured and have lost hope, my prayer is that you focus your eyes on Christ Jesus!  If He is doing this for me - He will do it for you too!

I love all of you and I am believing this testimony of my healing will help many others receive their healing.

Mark A. SteverClearwater, Kansas



Walking In The Fruit Of The Spirit


The Importance Of Patience