How Can The Bible Help Me Anyway?

How can the Bible help me anyway?  Many believe it is only a history book - but is there any way those words can help me in my everyday life? Well, for instance, Proverbs 4:20-22 is just a few of many scriptures that give us guidance for our everyday lives.Paraphrasing: (__ place your name here ___) - pay attention to what I say:  Listen closely to my words and speak them forth.  This is saying (believe) them and apply them to your daily life.  Do not let them out of your sight, read the word of God for yourself.  Why read for yourself?  So you can apply it to your life and be successful (Joshua 1:8) Makes sense, doesn't it?Continuing on in verse 21 of Proverbs 4: Keep them within your heart; for they are life to those who find them and health or medicine to a person's whole body.Everyone needs help, guidance and encouragement in their lives.  The apostle Paul was writing to Timothy, a fellow minister - read in 2 Timothy 3:16 what Paul said about the scriptures.ALL Scripture is God-breathed and is PROFITABLE for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness; that the man or woman of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.The meaning of the word profitable is: over and above anything and, very useful and beneficial.  OK then, the scriptures can be very useful in applying them in my life.Doctrine: Receiving what is heard and read; God's own words, written for our benefit.Reproof: For correction in helping me straighten out my life.  If I take this correction, my life will begin to make improvements and great changes will occur.Instruction:  Make known to us what to do and cause us to act wisely. God says: My word is truth.  Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. I, Jesus, have come so you may have an abundant life, full of all the blessings My Father has provided for you.So yes, the Bible should be the instruction guide for all of our daily lives. God is talking to us through the scriptures and showing us the way to a beautiful, successful life with Him.


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