Overburdened? Give It To Jesus!

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]I wrote a new book titled, "Good Faith and Biblical Contracts" it illustrates how every promise and statement of fact in the Bible is, in actuality, a good faith contract between you and God. Below is a small snippet from the book.

Can you imagine having to laboriously drag a pile of heavy boxes, parcels or un-wheeled luggage, inch by inch for a very long distance?

Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

The Greek word for burden here is G5413: an invoice.  i.e., An invoice is a bill or debt memo which itemizes services rendered and clearly states who owes what to whom, (An invoice is a type of contract).

The entire passage could be translated as follows:Come to Me ALL of you that are fatigued and over burdened or overloaded.  I will release your restraints.  Partner with Me and learn from Me, and obtain re-creation of your spirit.  For I AM (and have always been), gentle and humble hearted.  My partnership is really useful (if employed) and my invoice is much less for you to carry (my bill is really light weight).

Have you ever used the services of UPS, FedEx or some other commercial carrier to carry your package?  Have you ever used the services of a skycap at an airport or a bellhop at a hotel to carry and handle your luggage?

The commercial carrier either had you sign an invoice/contract or expected payment up front before they carried your package (burden).  In the case of the skycap or bellhop, the agreement or contract is assumed and they expected payment for their services rendered.

Jesus is saying, Excuse me.  I see that you are really struggling with that burden.  If you are willing to partner with me, I'll gently and humbly carry that burden for you.  All you will have to carry is My invoice, which lists what I have done and what you owe Me for the service.

With what are you overburdened?  Is it sickness, disease, addiction, compulsion, poverty, lack or something else?  Jesus will gently and humbly carry that burden for you, leaving you carrying only His itemized invoice.

So, for you religious folks, NO, I'm NOT saying that Jesus is JUST some cosmic bellhop!  Carrying my burden, was His idea, not mine!  I'm just glad He did!  And Jesus isn't JUST - anything!  Jesus is my God, my Savior, my High Priest, my Lord and my King!

And included on OUR itemized invoice is Isaiah 53:4-5: "Surely he has borne OUR griefs, and he carried OUR sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.  But he was wounded for OUR transgressions, he was bruised for OUR iniquities: the chastisement of OUR peace was upon him; and with his stripes WE are healed."

What could be simpler than that?  You give Him your luggage, your baggage, your burden, your stuff - and He gives you your invoice and you don't have to take your stuff back.

Now, the invoice is extremely expensive - in fact it's more than you could ever repay.  But guess what?  It's marked, "PAID"!





Three Kinds Of Faith