Set Your Sights High

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]I want to encourage you to set your sights high. You cannot go any further than you see. I am not talking about with your natural eyes only, but also with your spiritual eyes.Ephesians 3:20 says that God is able to give you more than you can even ask or imagine. So soar like the eagle up higher and expand your view. Use your imagination. What you continue to imagine and see, you will obtain.God works by faith, and it pleases Him so much when His children trust Him at His Word and rest in His promises and just receive them. You don't have to work outside of God's system, just live by faith and receive.Psalm 103:5 tells us that God satisfies our desires with good things.Each and every one of us, as a born-again believer, has a right to live in the inheritance that was given to us by Jesus. Don't ever let the devil lie to you and make you feel like a small portion is OK or good enough.Whatever you believe for - expect it - see it - taste it - imagine it - and stand for it until it manifests.Don't allow yourself to weaken, don't let your guard down, but continue in God's Word. Don't look to the natural - look to the supernatural!Ephesians 6:10 -: Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power."You have the SAME power in you that raised Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit is well able to deliver you from any obstacles and problems in your life. Meditate everyday on the scriptures until it becomes so natural that you live by them.Jesus gave you His armor to wear. Put it on and train yourself to use it. 2 Corinthians 10: 4-5 tells us that these weapons are mighty to the "pulling down of strongholds." You and I are well equipped. But we must use the armor.Remember that God says that death and life is in the power of the tongue. Do not speak what you see or feel. Speak the promises of God. This is using a two-edged sword to rip out the things that come against you.God wants to bless you - He really does. Thank Him for this and expect favor and blessings to overtake you.Make a true commitment to put God in the forefront of everything you do. Matthew 6:33 - Seek ye FIRST the Kingdom of God all and ALL these things will be added unto you.Expect Gods best. Expect His protection. Expect to reap when you sow. (Warning - this works in the negative as well as the positive.) Learn to be a sower - of your love, compassion, kindness, smiles, time, working and finances. In all you do, do it in love.Pass on the generosity of God. When God blesses you - pass these blessing onto others. This is very pleasing to God!Jesus came so you and I may have an abundant life - right here on earth.So begin by soaring like the eagle and set your sights high and expect to receive all that God has for you![/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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