The Suffering Doctrine - Part 2

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The Suffering Doctrine - Part 2

To read Part One, Click here
To read Part Three, Click here

The Sovereignty of God
Over the years, the unscriptural doctrine of suffering for God by submitting to such works of the devil as sickness, lack and oppression has become the sacred cow of sacred cows when it comes to religious tradition. 

But it's time that we knocked this sacred cow in the head. It's time it was slaughtered, cut up and eaten for dinner so that the Body of Christ can rise up - more than conquerors - and put this "doctrine of devil's" under our feet, where it belongs. 

There are many theories and viewpoints concerning the doctrine of suffering within the church. We discussed some of these in part one. Another supposition of this doctrine and religious tradition concerns the sovereignty of God. 

The supposition is that since God is sovereign, He can do ANYTHING he wants - including: breaking His own promises, lying, and contradicting Himself in His own Word. 

Now the proponents of "the suffering doctrine" don't just come right out and say this directly. They couch it all in really religious sounding terminology to make it sound better. But it's still what they're saying when you boil it all down. 

Is God Sovereign?
Yes - God is a sovereign God! And our sovereign God has made many sovereign promises and covenants. And our sovereign God keeps His sovereign promises. 

God didn't put sickness and disease on you to teach you something! He didn't kill your family members, or sabotage your business. Would you do that to your kids?
- Tim Greenwood

The Word says that God is not a man - that He should lie. (Ouch!) But that's pretty plain isn't it? 

The Will of God
Yet another supposition of this doctrine and religious tradition is that we (mankind) cannot know the will of God because He is so mysterious. Well, lets look at what the Word of God has to say about that. 

Ephesians 1:9 says, "Having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure which he hath purposed in himself." Does that sound like we can know the will of God? 

How about this one? Ephesians 5:17: "Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is." Paul here says that you are "unwise" (i.e. mindless, ignorant, unbelieving, and foolish) if you do not understand the will of God. 

Ephesians 6:5-6 says this: "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; Not with eye-service, as men-pleasers; but as the servants of Christ, doing the will of God from the heart." 

Now Paul is saying that not only can we know what the will of God is, but that we should be DOING the will of God from our hearts. That pretty much nails it, don't you think? I don't know about you, but this "will of God" thing sounds pretty important to me. 

So What Is the Will of God?
Now I don't want to get too theological or scientific for you, but how would you express your will to me? You'd tell me, right? Using words, right? And if I were away and you wanted to send your message to me, you would write it down, using words, right? 

So then, your written word would be your will right? Is it too deep for anyone to grasp that God's Word - His written Word - the Bible - is the will of God? 

Again, Ephesians 5:17 says: "Don't be ignorant, but understand what the will of the Lord is." The definition of a "fool" is someone that is ignorant - on purpose! So it should be pretty clear that we can know the will of God - if we read the Word of God. 

Let me add this, If you think that God has some secret, mysterious, individual "will" for your life - outside of his general will, you are mistaken. Now He does have a plan for you - just like you have plans for your kids. But that plan is within the general will of God. Plus, that plan does not include God making, causing or allowing sin, sickness, disease, poverty, and lack to be a part of your life. 

It never occurs to most people that Satan would use organized religion and religious tradition to perpetuate lies about God - but he does.
- Tim Greenwood

God is a good God! He says that it is His desire that everyone receives salvation. Plus, He also says that it is His desire that we be in health and prosper, even as our soul prospers. 

So then, if God is not the author of suffering, who is? 

Satan is the Destroyer
In His Word God describes Satan as "the destroyer." Scripture says that Satan comes only - to steal, kill, and destroy. That describes Satan - not God! 

God didn't put sickness and disease on you to teach you something! He didn't kill your family members, or sabotage your business. Would you do that to your kids? 

Perhaps they are rebellious and refuse to obey you. So you punish them with sickness or physical pain to teach them a lesson. Is that what you would do? No! If you as a parent were to do that to one of your children, they would take away your kids and throw you in prison! 

You would never do that. And don't you agree that God our "Father" is a much better parent than any of us? 

What if I walked up to you, and stuck my nose in your face and told you that "Your dad is responsible for my sickness"? Wouldn't you consider that as an insult? Well, that is exactly what religious tradition is saying about our Father in Heaven! They dress it up and make it sound religious at times, but that is basically what they are saying. 

Why is it when someone gets sick or dies and others ask why, religious people suddenly feel obligated to start making excuses for God? They begin to justify how God apparently comes to steal, kill, and destroy - to teach us something. They say we can never know what God is going to do, because He's so mysterious. 

It never occurs to most people that Satan would use organized religion and religious tradition to perpetuate lies about God - but he does. 

What makes this "suffering doctrine" a doctrine of demons, is the fact that it removes the blame from Satan and removes the blame from us - and places it squarely on God. Which is a lie! And then it twists scripture to support that lie. 

God is a good God! And only good - all the time! 

He is now and he always has been. And if anybody tells you differently, they are perpetuating a lie of the devil. I don't care how "pretty" or "religious" they make it sound or how they weave it into other teachings. 

Now I don't want to receive any nasty letters, and I'm sorry if I just blew holes in some of your best sermons, but we need to know these things! It's time the whole concept of suffering is shown for what it really is…a destructive lie from hell. 

A little strong you say? A little sharp? Maybe. But remember, Jesus called the religious leaders of his day "vipers," "snakes in the grass," "sowers of stumbling blocks," and "hypocrites." 

Why? Because they should have known better. And we should too! 

To read Part One, Click here
To read Part Three, Click here



The Suffering Doctrine - Part 3


The Suffering Doctine...A Doctrine Of Devils?