What To Do During Times Of Storms

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]Jesus' disciples encountered a great storm in Mark 4:35-40: Jesus told them to take Him in a ship to the other side of the lake and then He fell asleep. A great storm came up and the ship began to sink. In an absolute panic, they woke Jesus. Jesus got up, rebuked the wind, and spoke to the sea. The storm was instantly over. And then He asked the disciples why they hadn't already done what He just did. Then He answered His own question pointing out the presence of fear and the absence of faith.

Here's what you can do during times of storms.

1. Reach out during these storms. Never permit yourself to hide away and separate yourself from others. The devil would love to put guilt or shame on you because of the storm you're going through. Don't take in his lies. Seek the help and comfort of other mature Christians to pray in agreement with you.

2. Continue with your daily routine. This is the peace of God ruling in your life, not confusion. Don't allow yourself to lose sleep in worrying.

3. Refuse to fear! Faith cannot co-exist with fear. Only one or the other will be present during a storm. Choosing faith is choosing life.

4. Don't make any quick emotional vows to God during this time. Make sure your emotions are in check. If there is indeed an area that needs changing in your life, you can come to God and deal with that issue separately.

5. Realize what storms are NOT yours. Don't allow yourself to be sucked into the whirlpool of other people's storms. If you help other people during a storm, pray a blood covering over yourself, love them, and speak the Word to them.

6. Rule the storms - don't tolerate them. Mark 11:23 says to speak to this Mountain and command it to leave. Do this right away, and then only say what God's Word says about it. Never speak the negative.

7. Praise and thank God continually. Use your shield of faith, which quenches ALL the fiery darts of the wicked, by thanking and praising God that the mountain (storm) has left.



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