Transforming Lives to a New Level.
Teaching Thousands to Reach Millions.

Providing principles that you can use and applications that make a difference. Diminishing the darkness of this world by lifting up the marvelous light of Jesus Christ.


Tim Greenwood (1950-2023)

Reverend Tim Greenwood went home to heaven on July 8th, 2023. His life and ministry, has blessed the world. The Holy Spirit spoke to Marcia and reminded her that the month of July is the 7th month of completion and that the 8th month represents new beginnings. Tim’s passing in the 7th month represents a new beginning for him in glory, and a new beginning for Marcia to continue forward as the CEO of Tim Greenwood Ministries.

About Tim Greenwood ›


Diminishing the Darkness By Lifting Up the Marvelous Light of Jesus Christ

Romans 13:12 …let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.

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Walking in Faith

Tim Greenwood’s miraculous testimony of healing from terminal heart disease.

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About the Founders


Tim Greenwood

Tim Greenwood, born and raised in San Antonio, Texas, worked in the food service industry for 25 years, owning a bakery with his wife Marcia. After a miraculous healing from a quadruple bypass, Tim launched Tim Greenwood Ministries and wrote the book “Walking in Faith,” which has blessed people in over 200 nations. He and Marcia ministered across America, preaching the word of faith. Tim passed away on July 8, 2023, and Marcia continues his legacy as CEO of Tim Greenwood Ministries.

Marcia Greenwood

Marcia Greenwood is a dedicated teacher and servant of God, with a ministry focused on love and compassion. After her husband’s miraculous healing in 1997, Marcia began teaching others to live by faith and receive God's love. She is the International Convention of Faith Ministries Los Angeles Area Director and regularly holds Minister’s Gatherings. Marcia, an accomplished author, ministered alongside her husband at Tim Greenwood Ministries in Arcadia, CA.

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  • A Word From The Lord For All Of Us

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  • Faith v. Presumption

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