A Word From The Lord For All Of Us

The following is a word from the Lord which I recently received and have included in my latest book, "The Fruit of the Holy Spirit."

  • Love - Is Who I Am.

  • Joy - I am not depressed.

  • Peace - I am not anxious.

  • Gentleness - I am not demanding.

  • Faith - Faithfulness - Good Faith - this is how I operate.

  • Self-control - I have placed this in you.

You can do all things through Christ Jesus, whose anointing is in you.The Holy Spirits power is in you to conquer and win over anything that comes to steal, kill or destroy.Yes, the thoughts may come but I have said in My Word to think on things that are lovely and pure.Your faith overcomes anything that comes against you.I have given to you, part of Me. This is how I operate and live and do things.Dwell in Me and you will see a metamorphosis - a change - from the works of evil or darkness to the pure ways of Myself being manifested in you.You will win the world; draw them to Me, through love, through the fruit of the Holy Spirit.Be still, listen to My voice - walk in My ways and you will produce more and more fruit - so much on the limbs of the tree, your life, that those that need Me will be drawn to you.You are the light. I shine within you. I light the path that if anyone will choose to follow will fine a deeper walk with the Father and I with the Host Spirit leading and guiding you.The Holy Spirit is powerful; He brought forth the things My Father spoke at creation.His power in you will change you and will help others. My power to heal, preach the gospel and to restore and make all things new.You should be imitators of Me, as I imitate the Father.I spent time in fellowship with My Father daily. I spoke and did AS I heard Him speak through the Holy Spirit.Learn of Me, for I am gracious and good. I will take you places you have never even thought of - I will do things through you, as My instrument on earth as you allow the anointing, power and fruit to operate in your life.I say to you - I desire to give to you - over and above what you can even think or imagine. I own everything; nothing is off limits or too hard for Me.Dwell in Me. My peace, a pure peace that the world cannot even imagine will operate in you.If you will allow Me to operate in you, I can and will soften the hardest heart.I said to My disciples at My resurrection - "I must go, so I can send My Holy Spirit to you."He is a special gift - One who has gifts for you - gifts placed in you to help others.Receive the Holy Spirit. Receive My gift and you will have strength and faith to overcome anything.Listen to Me - Hear My voice - Read My Word and do what it says to do and you will have a wonderful life on earth.I say this to you, don't ponder, but go and do. I sent My Holy Spirit to help, teach and comfort you. 


Fighting The Good Fight Of Faith


A Word From God