A Word From God

My words are not just words to fill the pages of a book, the Bible.  My Words are truth and when followed bring joy, peace, health and success to your life.When you are dry, My words are living waters that refresh you: spirit, soul and body.Stay close to Me; in My presence daily and you will not go dry.Circumstances should not rule your days; My Word should lead, guide and direct your path.I say in My Word through Matthew's pen "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and then these things will be given unto you."I am your Father.  It is My responsibility to provide for you.  I have done so through Jesus.  The Holy Spirit teaches you how to receive.I provided everything for Adam and Eve in the garden. What I had for them, I have for you on a daily bases.  My supplies never run dry.My love continues without change and is not conditional on your performance.I am steady, sure and trustworthy.  Stay close to Me, talk to Me and let Me in on your plans and I will fine tune them to My perfect plans for your life.I am life! Dwell in Me and I will dwell in you.I, Jesus, came to earth and did the will of the Father and Myself, so that you may have an abundant, blessed life on earth.And yes, you are blessed - even when you walk through problems.Remember I said you will have problems in this world, but be of good cheer, for I have overcome this world. And you can overcome also through you faith.Learn of Me, learn how I live and operate through faith, how many of your forefathers lived. I gave you My faith and I will always equip you to do the things I have asked of you.I have provided you with everything you need to succeed in this life.It is My true desire to bless you daily and watch you grow in peace, joy, love and faith.Keep your hand in Mine and I will take you places and do things through you, abundantly above what you can think or imagine. The time is short I, Jesus, am coming soon. Live life to the fullest in Me; live in faith and as you operate in love, My Words, My promises will come to pass in your life; for My Word IS TRUTH! End of Word.Wow! The first time I remember actually knowing that I heard the voice of God was when He was leading Tim and I to make some major changes in our lives.I heard God say to me "If you take My hand, I will lead you."God truly does take pleasure in providing for us, but we must give Him the opportunity to do so.When we learn what the Bible says and change our ways to fit God's ways then we become successful following His path for our lives.Isaiah 56:11-12 tells us:"So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.""For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace...."The Word of God is truth and when we speak the Word over our circumstances, problems and lives, God hears and the Word breaks through all the barriers and brings forth the results that God promises.God knows all things, so take His hand, don't ever let go, and your life will be an exciting adventure: hand-in-hand with the Almighty Creator of the Universe!


A Word From The Lord For All Of Us


Healed From Heart Failure