Healed From Heart Failure


By Steve Beloat

On September 2012, my wife and I had the opportunity to personally drive out to California and thank Tim and Marcia Greenwood for the impact their ministry had on my healing. I have to admit, it was emotional when I had the opportunity to finally meet Tim and Marcia in person.In March 2010, my cardiologist was talking to me about a heart transplant. My heart was too weak, only functioning at 16%, and there was nothing the doctors could do for me. A viral infection had attacked my heart. They told me that the next few weeks would be very critical and would determine if I lived.Then, there was a knock on my hospital room door and in walked two nurses that told me that the Lord had sent them to pray for me. They told me that they did not accept the message that I would need a heart transplant. They anointed me with oil and laid hands on me. Mary prayed for me in the Spirit while Teresa prayed for me in the English.Three days later, my wife and I climbed two miles up and down a mountain. At that point I knew God had healed me, and I said, "Lord, whatever power those nurses have, I want it." Shortly after that, I received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and a supernatural prayer language.(How ironic it is that a few years earlier Diane and I had left our church when the pastor received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit and a supernatural prayer language. Now, everywhere I go, I proclaim the power of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.)But, after a few weeks at home, the symptoms came back. Fear returned, and I begin to doubt if I had really been healed. This is when TIM GREENWOOD MINISTRIES came into the picture. Just like those nurses who came out of nowhere to pray for me, Tim's CD RECEIVE YOUR HEALING NOW showed up at my house at the perfect time. The CD had been sent to me by my distant cousin and her husband, Becky and Dick Hamill, who I would not have even recognized if I had met them on the street. Becky & Dick thought Tim's CD might help me. I thank God for Becky & Dick!I listened to Tim's CD RECEIVE YOUR HEALING NOW. I wasn't even aware that there was spiritual warfare going on. Now I began to understand why I was losing this battle. As I heard how Tim fought the symptoms when they came back on him, I put into practice what worked for Tim. Every time I couldn't breathe, I would start praising God and would began breathing normal again. This went on for several months until Satan finally gave up. I did not have to "reinvent the wheel." Tim and Marcia had already gone through this, and they had overcome.I highly recommend you listen to Tim's testimony audio, RECEIVE YOUR HEALING NOW, and I continually share it with other people in need of healing. Without listening to his testimony and realizing what would drive Satan out, I don't know if I would be here today. I really believe that I could have lost my healing by letting fear, doubt, and unbelief come back in.You can get your copy of REVEIVE YOUR HEALING NOW from the TGM Resorce Catalog: www.tgm.org/storeDiane and I will always be thankful to Tim and Marcia Greenwood.May God Bless them and their ministry!Steve and Diane Beloat


A Word From God


A Home For My New Bride