Succeeding At Being Yourself

[et_pb_section bb_built="1"][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type="4_4"][et_pb_text _builder_version="3.11"]God wants you to accept yourself and to like who you are!    Does that statement sound so hard to do?  It shouldn't!  Read on to see how you can change your opinion of yourself and actually get to like yourself and enjoy who you are!Wouldn't you like the freedom just to be accepted as you are, without having to put on airs and without pressure to be someone you aren't?God accepts you as you are.  The devil wants to steal self-confidence from you.  He tries to make you "feel" that you don't "measure up" in one way or another.  Thank God that we are "measured" by His standards, and not the worlds!

The opinion you have of yourself affects all your relationships - with God and other people.  Many times people can't keep good friendships because they don't even like themselves - so why should anyone else!You can keep striving to make things better in your life by your "good works".  Many people depend on their "good works" to outweigh their "bad works", and thereby make it into heaven when the time comes.But God says our "works" will not earn us anything.  It is by acceptance through faith of God's Son Jesus Christ and what He has done for us.  We are saved by grace through faith.  Salvation is a FREE gift to us because of God's love for us - we just need to receive it!2 Cor. 5:21 says that Jesus actually became sin on the cross for you and I, so that through Him we might become the righteousness of God.  You need to believe God when He tells you this!  He will NEVER lie to you.  But the devil will lie, steal and deceive you.  Don't allow the devil to pull you down to his level.  He is the master at deception. It's your choice whom you believe!

We don't succeed by works - but we do have to be obedient to do what God says.  There IS a difference!  The Bible says that we reap what we sow.  If we sow God's Word into our hearts then we will reap the blessings - salvation, deliverance, peace, healing, redemption, and prosperity - many blessings.  If we sow what the devil and world tells us - then we will reap those things - condemnation, guilt, shame, confusion, insecurity - many curses.God can and will use us as we are.  He will train and equip us to help us overcome areas that we are weak in.  God says that He uses the weak things of the world to confound the wise. You don't have to be something or someone your not!  God will mold you into what He wants you to be.  You just have to be pliable.Our worth and value is not in what we are - but who we are in Christ Jesus.  Once we learn to accept ourselves and come to peace with ourselves then we will begin to come to peace with other people.As you apply God's Bible based principles in your life - you will be able to overcome any insecurities you may have and learn to succeed at being yourself and like yourself in the process.To do this:

1.  Begin to speak what God says about you - not the negative things you may "feel" about yourself.  God works by faith - the devil works with feelings!
Your words ARE important!  God says that Life and Death is in the power of the tongue.The more you speak about yourself (either positive or negative), the words will get into your heart and you will become what you speak - be it good or bad.  As a man thinks in his heart so he is (Prov. 23:7).For by your words you will be justified or condemned (Mat. 12:37).  Words DO mean a lot to God.I cannot stress this point enough - it does NOT matter what you "FEEL" about yourself.  God works by faith.  His Word IS truth!  Repeat what God says about you and you will begin to change.

2.  Don't compare yourself to other people.

Read through the Bible and do a study on who you are IN Christ Jesus.  You will be secure and confident when you know this.If you are going to overcome insecurity then you must have the courage to be different.  Don't try to please and impress other people - but only God.  Do everything for His glory.You will have to learn to deal with criticism without thinking that there is something wrong with you.  Don't let criticism concern you.  Go to your friends that will honestly help you in certain areas that you may need improvement in.  Learn to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.  Please God!  You don't need the approval of other people to be happy with yourself and be a success!Don't allow how others treat you, or their opinion of you to lower your opinion of yourself and take away your self worth.  See yourself as God sees you!

3.  Focus on your strengths and not your weaknesses! 

Find something that you like to do and do it well.  Let God show you what you're good at and don't try to copy others.  We all have different gifts and talents - but as Christians we are all part of the body of Christ.God wants to lift you up!  Do what He wants.  You will succeed every time and be at peace, because you are doing what He has planned for your life.  God wants you to be blessed, joyful, fulfilled and happy.  He wants you to enjoy life and have life more abundantly.

God doesn't want us to focus on what's wrong with us - but what's right with us.

Satan knows he can get to you through insecurity, low self-esteem and negativity.  He surely will until you learn not to look his way and receive his lies.When you know how much God loves you - you will learn to like and love yourself.  Become rooted and grounded in God's love so you will be at peace and succeed at being yourself.[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]


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