It’s Time To Check Your Foundation

It’s Time To Check Your Foundation

The foundations of individuals, in this present world, are and have been crumbling. So, we need to make sure, especially as a New Year begins, that our own foundation is solidly built on Jesus Christ. And, it is time to help others build or rebuild their foundation on...
Succeeding At Being Yourself

Succeeding At Being Yourself

God wants you to accept yourself and to like who you are!    Does that statement sound so hard to do?  It shouldn’t!  Read on to see how you can change your opinion of yourself and actually get to like yourself and enjoy who you are! Wouldn’t you like the...
Name It and Claim It?

Name It and Claim It?

I’m sure you have heard, as I have from time to time – negative comments about “Naming It and Claiming It”.  This is usually spoken of in a “bad light”, not something positive.  But I would like to tell you what the Bible says...
Nuggets From Proverbs – Part Three

Nuggets From Proverbs – Part Three

Do you want favor with God and man? Of course you do, so do I. God is not a harsh God, waiting to see if we fail in anyway. He is there to lead and guide us, He always covers us in His love. He desires us to live in the fullness (each and every one) of His blessings....
Why Worry?

Why Worry?

Why Worry? Worry, is like sitting in a rocking chair. It will give you something to do, but it won’t get you anywhere. Worry is the advance interest you pay on troubles that seldom or never come. Worry is a fast getaway on a wooden horse. It is like being on a...