Come on over! Those are three words that people generally like to hear, since they often precede some pleasant activity with friends and neighbors. Winter, with its chill and gloomy days, has been found by science to be the bringer of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), a mood disorder in which people who have normal mental health throughout most of the year experience depressive smptoms in the winter. This psychological disorder has several treatments, one of which is light therapies with bright lights, encouraging the body and psyche to “cheer up” or “lighten up”.

A winter climate is harder for many of us – we don’t like the gloomy days, we don’t like the cold, we don’t enjoy being inside, or the isolation that can accompany less favorable weather. To further complicate matters, considering the state of the economic climate, even more people are becoming depressed for more reasons, to the point of being constantly fearful and stressed. Perhaps they become so stressed that they fall ill physically or mentally.

Fear, frustration and worry are formidable enemies to a person – spirit, soul and body. Those who are part of a family fare better when trouble strikes – there are two or more to share the load. Eccl. 4: 9-12 tells us of the joy of being part of a family unit – even if the unit consists only of husband & wife. They help each other, and each supports the other at all times, ideally. And “if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken.”

Perhaps you are alone as you read this. Maybe you have serious challenges facing you, at home, on the job, or even the lack of a job. Maybe you’re in a situation where you are facing the loss of a home. Or you may be in a new town, and don’t know anyone – yet. Just getting through the day is an overwhelming task. There is good news. You don’t have to remain in that state, trying to make everything work all on your own.

The good news is this – Someone very special is seeking you to be a part of His family. That family is full of peace and health, freedom and prosperity in every aspect of human life. The “Someone” is Jesus Christ, the Anointed One, the King and He’s been seeking you, asking you to “C’mon over” and be part of His family, His called-out ones. He does joyfully invite you but He won’t force you to come.

I urge you to make the first step toward life abundant and everlasting. Begin seeking a church that preaches the uncompromised Word of God – a place where fear, worry, lack, sadness and illness have no place. They are given no place, and in the mighty name of Jesus are broken – driven from the glorious presence of God. Jehovah God invites you to c’mon over to His house and enjoy the company of people who know salvation, liberty, restoration and divine health. They will gladly share what they know (and Who they know) with you. You will still experience challenges, but you will have a family and a wise “elder brother” to help bear the burdens. The Lord Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). Do you want that? Then accept His simple invitation – C’mon over!